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The most popular skincare tools on the market 2019

Skincare tools have taken off in popularity in recent years, and for good reason; they can be a miracle cure for your skincare woes, and lead to tighter, brighter, clearer skin by adding an extra oomph to your usual routine. Here are some of the most popular tools currently on the market.


Jade and rose quartz rollers

Facial massage is all the rage these days, but these fancy looking rollers aren’t just a fad; they have been around for centuries! Made from precious stones that are said to have healing properties, and available in hues of pastel green and pink, they look as luxe as they feel and make an amazing addition to your dressing table. Gently rolling them over the skin stimulates the lymphatic system and decreases inflammation, brightens the complexion and tightens pesky pores. You can even pop the roller in the refrigerator for an incredibly soothing and cooling massage to decrease any of that early-morning puffiness.


Gua Sha tools

Like the facial rollers above, these tools are made from healing crystals such as jade, and they have their origins in ancient Chinese medicine. Unlike jade rollers, Gua Sha has more of sculpting, lifting and firming effect. These tools provide a ‘natural facelift’ by promoting healthy blood circulation and lymph drainage, which leaves you with brighter skin and more refined facial contours. The Gua Sha technique involves ‘scraping’ the face in long, upward movements, focusing on the chin, jaw and cheek area. It is recommended that you use a facial oil before your massage so that the tool glides smoothly across the skin.



These tools may look like mini torture devices, but fear not! Dermarollers are made up of tiny microneedles that gently prick the skin. These tiny wounds encourage new skin growth and mean that your skincare ingredients can absorb deeper into the epidermis for greater efficacy and better results. Unlike the tools above, dermarolling increases collagen production meaning you can expect smoother, plumper skin with less acne scarring, fine lines, and wrinkles. Look for different needle lengths and widths to deal with your specific skin issues.


LED light masks

If you struggle with acne, fine lines or dullness then adding LEDs into your routine might be beneficial. These masks work by sending beams of light into the skin at a particular wavelength, which determines how deeply they penetrate the skin. The results can be miraculous when it comes to healing and repair, particularly for conditions like rosacea. Different colors work for distinct issues; for instance, red light encourages hydration and collagen production, while blue light eliminates acne-causing bacteria. Be aware that you might look like a little scary with the mask on (think Hannibal Lecter), so save it for nights when you are home alone!

Facial cups

When you think about cupping, you might think of the painful-looking ancient practice of placing suction cups along a patient’s back to provide muscle relief. Facial cupping is a similar (less painful and gentler!) process and has become an Instagram phenomenon due to the results it produces. The cone-shaped cups produce suction on the skin of the face to increase blood flow; the increased circulation supposedly helps with detoxifying, stimulating collagen production, reducing puffiness and releasing jaw tension among other benefits.


Facial globes

Last but certainly not least is facial globes or ‘ice globes’. These magic globes are unlike the other tools on offer in that they utilize the cold for something akin to a ‘cryo’ facial, stimulating blood circulation and oxygenation to your skin. Ice is one of the secret weapons of beauty experts around the world, and cryo globes provide a multitude of benefits to your skin such as relieving sore facial muscles, tightening pores, brightening the complexion, decreasing puffiness, and giving a lifted, botox type effect. They are great after intensive facials to calm the skin and soothe any facial redness, and they even go further than skincare, helping to eliminate those pesky sinus and migraine headaches. These cooling globes have an ergonomic design, made with high-quality glass that glides smoothly over your skin.

Take a look at our Fraîcheur Ice Globes shop page for more information.